Kungfu continues.

Since my seefu left *may that old fart be in peace.*, the kungfuschool was quick to replace his ass with another Kungfu seefu that is even greater than my previous seefu. *may that old fart be in peace.*

And to top everything, the new seefu is a lady! imagine a lady teaching us Kungfu. Not that im a sexist, but just imagine it... vely phunny woh. but actually thinking about it, w.o.m.a.n don't have that part woh... so no weakness... hmmmm.........

Now my new seefu has the 2nd most highest qualification that you can have in kungfu. Its called the PEEHETCHDEE. i didn't believe it, and after i kacau kacau her, she like my old seefu *may that old fart be in peace.*, told us the very long story about how she has submitted a video of her martial arts and she is waiting for a reply from the kungfu university.

Actually i think she wont get it because of some very obvious reasons.
  1. she is not bald. all kungfu masters that i know are bald. except that faker jackyshann.
  2. she has not had army experience.
  3. she has not done junior college, thus no experience in handling us.
  4. she pronounces very as vely, and pendulum as peen-doodoo-loom and watch as wash etc etc
  5. she spent 15 minutes telling that the crane stance was to be performed while standing on the head. we argued and finally the students won the master by showing her page 35936 of the kungfu manual.
  6. she tells us that she might not have enough time to teach us the rat-disarming move, but has enough time to pick her nose in front of us.
  7. she eats babi.

Today she masuk the classroom [yes, our class has been moved indoors because the kungfu school caught several hundred kungfu masters standing at the fence laughing their buts off at my new seefu.] and u wont believe what she did. She started giving us papers... i was like wtf, then she explain: i wan test you see if can paper the cut with hand.


Please repeat question sheebai.

I wan see if u can uno... uno... chop paper with hand *points to palm*

O ceh.

At that point the one who cannot eat babi broke the table in half and walked out in disgust.

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