OMG i almost pengsan in kungfu school...

I would like to say that i almost pengsan in a very dangerous fight with a very big fighter, but that would be a huge lie....

What happen was that i was walking on the 2nd floor of my school where i saw this OWHMYGAWD so hot ah-ma walking infront of me.

I see i follow loh... i folo folo folo till she masuk one room which has glass so that we can see inside, then she turn....

OMFG i almost kill myself there... she look like Ahbeng... i see also feel like vomid....

then straight i pengsan. Canot tahan bah, so fugly until pengsan...

now i traumatized.
I found this on internet. WAKAKKAKAKAKAKAKAKA

well said.... no, i guess u shouldnt be studying A lvls for god's sake.. change !! get some writing course!!!

and one more thing, i guess nathan's correct, by pissing him off like that* might get us into deep trouble for the next 16 months... except if he couldnt stand the next 16months and decided to drop teaching our class... [MUAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA!!! i was thinking of making that my birthday wish, but heck, wasting that on a far-from-romantic, tantrum-throwing, pink-bicycle-riding{childish}, E.Q-below-low lecturer, oh yes, he called himself a lecturer, is SUCH A FCUKING WASTE]

Besides, february test is coming up... and for a pink-bicycle rider, i dont think we can walk out of the exam hall in one piece... really.... he'll get his fucking chance to screw all of us at once.... AHHHH, life sucks....

pissing him off like that* = after he stomp his leg on the floor in class asking for sweets with his ever so "thunderous" voice, a Chindian guy, with guts, wrote a paper saying "If you dont want to teach, say so la" and put on a handsome signature, brought the paper in front of Mr. ***, and dropped it on his table IN FRONT OF HIM.. the next thing we see was, he ran to the toilet, tears in his eyes... yes, such pitiful guy... he squated and sobed in front of the guy's urinary thing [attached on the wall, c'mon if u really couldnt imagine just walk in a male's washroom and check what is attached on the wall, again, able to let you pee on it] ...

yes, another lecturer walked in and ACCIDENTALLY kicked him in his ass causing him to dunk, YES, DUNK, his face into the pool of chrysantanum tea... ahhh, paradise...

well, what could i say? he came back a happy man!!


My seefu ran away, now i vely vely sad.

He dunwan tell us where he go, but i suspect he go to BKK. Not buh-kar-keh, BKK as in bangkok la...

He say that he going sumwhere special with his family. I dont believe him because yesterday i still see ahbeng. he was looking in longkang for fishy. I think my seefu go to bangkok to "enjoy" himself at that place. you know, Thailand has got very good martial arts there. He went there to learn some "new moves".

his wife say that he went somewhere fishing for 3 day. I know what he fish for lah, not fish lah... He fish for human. Simply throw can catch wan. Wait. In his case ah, maybe not. Human fish no like longkang smell. If got US dollah in the longkang then maybe they like, otherwise i dont think so lah.

Then today i got one miss call from seefu. So i call him back ask him what happen lah.
he say that he go fishing then he catch one beautiful fish wan. The fish was girl wan. then he see until nosebleed, so he take back to his hotel lo. Then slowly slowly he discover that fish was actually male fish =.=

now he say that tomorow he coming back because he scare later he get taste sodo-mee...

The "crane" stance!

today my seefu showed us something really special!
He thought us the crane stance! That also by mistake!!!! OMG HE REVEALED THE SECRET!

What happened was that he was trying to teach us how to tell if something swing swing when he accidentally decided that it would be nice to act like retard on stage.

he jump jump jump until hole come i tell you. Then what happen is that one leg masuk hole and one didnt. He immediately do the stance to save his life and it obviously worked cauz if it didnt, i wouldn't be blogging about it lah.

anyways, seefu said that we all should learn this technique so that we can also save our lifes from the angel of death. I think that if we learn technique, we just save but from pain. That is all.

He also say that the kontractor who build the stage is lousy. He say that the man is retard and that he should go pcc in toilet because he would be better in doing that rather than building lousy stages with hole in middle of it.

Right now my backside hurt abit because seefu kick it for no reason. I go sleep. tatarz!